The leading Governmental body in the professionalization process of the civil service in Egypt is the Central Agency for Organisation and Administration (CAOA). The CAOA (and more specifically its Training Sector) has the practical day-to-day role in managing and monitoring the implementation of training initiatives for 6 million civil servants and is central to the improvements in the Civil service.
The purpose of this project is to improve the capacities of the Training Sector of the CAOA to ensure that the provision of training to civil servants is based on relevant developmental programmes utilising modern training methods with effective evaluation procedures. Specific deliverables of the project are:
- Training of 600 managers and trainers on Training need assessment techniques
- Reform of the selection and evaluation process of trainers
- Setting up of a database for trainings and trainers
- Training of 600 trainers on modern training delivery techniques
- Design of 20 training modules to be used in the future for Egyptian civil servants
TAS was responsible in organizing important aspects of the project:
- TAS is backstopping the expert in training design and delivery and the expert in training evaluation systems.
- Assessment and monitoring principal weakness and strengths of CAOA to reinforce or improve in the Public training sector
TAS was also responsible for communications deliverables as the setting up of a newsletter of the project to sensitize managers of the public sector in the ongoing reforming process
Consortium partners:
- B&S Europe (Belgium)
- IQ management (Egypt)